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How to Install PhpMyAdmin on CentOS 6.9?



  • I will be working on a Fastwebhost managed CentOS 6.9 server.
  • Initially for your CentOS 6.9 server to run PhpMyAdmin it needs LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack installed.

Now our server is ready for PhpMyAdmin installation. So, all you need to do is follow the below steps.

Step 1 : Get EPEL Repository

First, we'll install the EPEL repository. The EPEL repo (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) contains many additional packages, including the phpMyAdmin package we are looking for.

rpm -iUvh

Step 2 : Installing PhpMyAdmin on CentOS

Before doing anything, the best practice is to ensure all the packages in the server are up to date.

yum -y update

Now our installation is one command away.

yum -y install phpmyadmin

Step 3 : Know your IP address

To access your PhpMyAdmin we need to know the IP address of our Machine. Refer to sources like

Step 4 : Open PhpMyAdmin configuration file

Check for PhpMyAdmin configuration file with any of the text editor. You can find that at 

nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
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Article details
Article ID: 6
Category: Knowledgebase
Views: 263
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (14)

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